Welcome to Our Virtual Community

A place where individuals of all abilities can learn, connect and celebrate the joy of music together. Designed to provide a variety of different ways to interact with music, there is something for everyone. We invite you to take some time to explore each area below and discover which is the best fit for you. Maybe you love participating in live events? Or you prefer to enjoy music at your own pace by watching videos? Perhaps you are considering taking a private music lesson? Or simply wish to discover something interesting about the disabled community. Whatever you choose, we are happy you're here and we look forward to seeing you online. Thank you for stopping by and feel free to share this information with your friends!

DMF On-Demand

Interesting, Educational & Interactive Videos

Enjoy them at your own pace and on your own schedule. Updated weekly, check back regularly or stop by anytime.

Live Events

Virtual Dance Parties, Open Mic Nights and More!

Live events are free, fun and focus on celebrating the joy of music together. Come join us for an upcoming event

Music Lessons

Virtual Private Lessons and Small Group Classes

For musicians of all abilities, ages 3 to adult. Enjoy music from the comfort of your own home, at an affordable price.

What's New

Latest Videos

Upcoming Events

Have a question?

Contact us at DMFVirtual@danielsmusic.org

About Daniel's Music

To learn more about Daniel’s Music Foundation, visit our website

©2020 Daniel’s Music Foundation