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Nancy’s Book Corner - Episode #9:
Tag! You’re It (Friday, February 17, 2023)
[00:00:00.24] Nancy's Book Corner, a read aloud of children's books that introduce disabilities and celebrate differences. Hi, welcome back to Nancy's Book Corner. I'm Nancy Trush, co-founder of Daniel's Music Foundation and Daniel's mom. As an early childhood educator, one of my favorite things to do is share special books about differences with my students.
[00:00:28.91] The title of today's book is “Tag! You’re It: A Story of Inclusion with Gabby & Nicky”, written by Jannesy DeLeon, and illustrated by Gaspar Sabater. This is a story about a little girl named Gabby who has cerebral palsy. She uses a wheelchair and is not able to speak, but when she and her brother, Nicky, see other children in the park playing tag, she manages to make him understand that she would like to join them. With a little help from her brother and lots of determination, Gabby figures out a way to play and win. Let's get started.
[00:01:18.51] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:01:19.22] She opens the book in her lap. Nicky pushes Gabby on a swing.
[00:01:23.28] "I was so high, I felt I could touch the sky. Days at the park with my brother, Nicky, were my favorite. I wanted to swing forever." You can see in the picture, Gabby uses a special platform swing that allows wheelchair users to safely enjoy swinging.
[00:01:47.99] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:01:49.04] Gabby on the platform swing. Nancy turns the page.
[00:01:52.93] "Kids laughed behind us. They were playing tag. I wanted to play too, but I have cerebral palsy and can't speak. I needed a way to tell Nicky I wanted to join them. I pointed towards the other kids. Would Nicky understand? 'Do you want to play, Gabby?' he asked. I clapped my hands, 'yes!'
[00:02:24.70] Gabby smiles and claps her hands.
[00:02:27.85] All the kids stared when Nicky and I came over.
[00:02:32.56] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:02:33.10] The other children stand around and stare.
[00:02:36.77] Can we play, Eli?' my brother asked. 'You can play,' Eli said. My belly sank. 'Gabby wants to play too,' Nicky said. 'How? She can't run,' Eli said. 'Humph! I'll show him.' I pressed my palms forward. Nicky understood. 'I'll push her.' Eli looked at his friends. "I guess she can play.'
[00:03:11.12] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:03:12.34] Nicky pushes Gabby and the other children run.
[00:03:15.51] He tagged me and shouted, 'You're it.' Boys zigged and girls zagged Nicky pushed me round and round after them.
[00:03:28.10] Gabby reaches out to tag a boy.
[00:03:30.42] I tried to tag a boy, but missed. So close. This would be harder than I thought. I nudged Nicky to keep going. I swiped left, I swiped right, but I missed every time. 'She'll never catch us,' a girl teased. I hung my head low.
[00:03:58.05] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:03:58.26] The girl with her tongue out. Nancy turns the page.
[00:04:02.12] I didn't want them to be right, so I thought and thought and thought until an idea popped into my head.
[00:04:13.64] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:04:13.97] She points to a lightbulb in a thought bubble.
[00:04:17.66] I'll pretend to look the other way, then catch them off guard. I bounced to tell Nicky to go faster. Nicky pushed me closer and closer.
[00:04:32.35] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:04:33.56] Gabby with a trachea tube smiles.
[00:04:36.33] Until I saw my chance. There was a girl within reach. I swiveled, lunged, and tagged her.
[00:04:46.16] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:04:46.82] The girl looks back as she is tagged.
[00:04:50.55] 'That was awesome,' Eli said. Nicky puffed up his chest. 'Yep, that's my sister. She's the coolest.' 'Let's play again. I'll push you this time, Gabby,' Eli said.
[00:05:06.84] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:05:07.13] Eli pushes Gabby.
[00:05:09.78] We weaved and swerved towards my new friends. Inside, I burst with happiness.
[00:05:17.25] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:05:17.89] They all play. Gabby reaches toward a boy.
[00:05:21.35] Now, tag was my favorite thing to play at the park."
[00:05:26.15] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:05:26.42] Gabby winks and tags a girl who looks back as her pigtails fly.
[00:05:30.89] I hope you enjoyed this heartwarming story, Tag! You're It, that conveys the important message of inclusion, acceptance, and believing in yourself. I look forward to sharing another story with you again real soon. Goodbye.
[00:05:49.70] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:05:50.40] Nancy smiles and waves.
[00:05:52.10] Logo, Nancy's Book Corner. The text is in a sign that hangs on a wall.
[00:05:57.02] Text, Thanks for watching! To learn more visit Daniels Music dot org
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