Covid-19 Liability Waiver for the 2021 Danny Awards


I acknowledge the following in connection with attending at the 2021 Danny Awards on March 19, 2022 at Symphony Space in New York, NY:

As a condition of my in-person attendance at the Danny Awards, I agree to abide by all Symphony Space and Daniel’s Music Foundation (hereafter "DMF") rules and requirements for in-person participation regarding health and safety, including:

  • Being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (no booster required.) Vaccination proof can be made via a full FDA or WHO authorized vaccination card, with Excelsior Pass, ClearPass, physical vaccination card or digital photo of vaccination card along with a valid photo ID.

  • Wearing a face covering.

  • Testing with a temperature below 100.0 to be admitted into the venue.

  • Self-monitoring for the development of COVID-19 symptoms and not attending the Danny Awards in-person if I am exhibiting symptoms or awaiting COVID-19 test results.

I acknowledge that DMF and Symphony Space have put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and understand the following:

  • I am voluntarily choosing to attend the Danny Awards in person.

  • Despite the preventative measures DMF and Symphony Space have put in place, I understand the contagious nature of COVID-19, and I assume the risk associated with my decision to attend an in-person event.  

  • Symphony Space and DMF may revise health and safety rules and guidelines at any time, and I must follow any revised rules and guidelines.