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Smile-O-Meter Friday: Episode 9 – Featuring Jennifer Msumba (Posted - Friday, March 4, 2022)
[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:00:00.00] Title, Smile-O-Meter Friday with Daniel & Ken
[00:00:03.52] Cartoon illustrations of Daniel & Ken
[00:00:05.68] Hosted by an unlikely duo who are just trying to bring a little sunshine into the world.
[00:00:11.63] Daniel Trush
[00:00:12.55] Hi, everyone. I hope you're doing well.
[00:00:15.36] Ken Trush
[00:00:15.82] You know, Daniel, spring is right around the corner. And the days are getting longer.
[00:00:22.09] And their smiles are getting wider, so it must be time for another episode of Smile-O-Meter Friday.
[00:00:32.29] Subscribe
[00:00:33.28] We're back to wearing a more casual look today. And you may be wondering what our t-shirts say. They say, "Just call me by my name." A message that is personally very important to us.
[00:00:48.67] And you know what else is important to us, the upcoming Danny Awards.
[00:00:53.92] Join us on Saturday, March 19 at Symphony Space.
[00:00:58.48] We have an amazing show, with honorees from all over the country as well as a group from South Africa. You may be wondering how we ended up calling it the Danny's. We figured at one time, there must have been a Tony or an Oscar.
[00:01:15.07] Plus Danny is a cool name.
[00:01:18.13] It's going to be a memorable event. And we hope to see you there.
[00:01:22.63] And admission is free. But you must register at You can find the link in the description box below.
[00:01:38.56] And today, we are honored to be highlighting one of our upcoming Danny Award winners, an amazing artist from Wauchula, Florida, Jennifer Msumba.
[00:01:49.63] She is not only super talented, musically, but she just finished writing her first book, Shouting at Leaves. And we're really looking forward to reading it. Hi Jennifer, good to have you on Smile-O-Meter Friday.
[00:02:09.61] We're super excited to be showcasing your musical talents. But first, we would love to have you answer a few questions for our viewers.
[00:02:17.92] Jennifer, why do you love music and what does it mean to you?
[00:02:22.96] Jennifer
[00:02:23.41] I love music because it's how I breathe. It's what is inside of me. I think even when I was little, I remember when I was three years old. And my parents would play records. And my eyes would like move like a baton conducting the orchestra. And I would breathe to the rhythm of the music. And when I play music, my body can stay still. And I feel even and calm. And it just makes me happy.
[00:02:53.06] I totally agree. Music makes me happy too. To be honest, I don't know where I'd be without it. It allows me to really express myself.
[00:03:05.53] Ken
[00:03:06.26] Hey Jennifer, I have another question. What is the one thing that people say or do that you would prefer them to stop saying or doing?
[00:03:16.55] The one thing I wish people would stop doing, hands down, is underestimating me. People constantly underestimate me when they meet me. And sometimes, I feel like they think that-- they don't expect me to even be on their level, let alone be able to do the things that I'm capable of. And I have to work extra hard to convince people that they can rely on me to do the job or that I'm just like everybody else that they're working with. And it hurts sometimes, it really does. And I just wish they'd stop doing that.
[00:03:59.03] I understand, I get that a lot too. But we'll just keep moving forward, inch by inch.
[00:04:08.99] On the other side of that, Jennifer, what is something that people say or do that makes you smile and that you really appreciate?
[00:04:17.81] Something people do that makes me smile, for sure, is when they see me. And what I mean by that is, when they see who I am and they include me in things. And they're not only my friend and say they're-- they not only say they're my friend, but they act like a friend. And they want to do things that I'm interested in, even if it's kind of like a special interest. And they want to hang out with me and just have fun and really see who I am and I can see who they are and appreciate each other. That really makes me smile, when I have a friend like that.
[00:05:07.52] That's really smart, Jennifer. We all need people that we can call friends.
[00:05:13.43] Two wise and sagely souls, from my heart, thank you both for your positivity and beautiful attitude
[00:05:22.22] Thanks, dad.
[00:05:23.66] You're welcome. And now, we'd like to take a couple of minutes and show a clip of Jennifer's winning song entry to the Danny Awards, "A Little Part of Me."
[00:05:35.73] Jennifer and a man play acoustic guitars on a sofa.
[00:05:36.45] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:05:43.11] She sings
[00:05:44.18] (SINGING) There's a little bitty part of me, it knows I'll never be a rock star like Bon Jovi. I'm just me, and that's OK. Got my guitar and my voice and if I had to make the choice, I'd stay this way. There's a little bitty part of me, it knows I'll never be the CEO of a big company. I'm just me, and that's OK. Got no fancy dinner plans, I eat spaghetti from a can. And I'll stay this way.
[00:06:45.52] There's a little bitty part of me, it knows I'll never be a runway model with Versace. I'm just me, and that's OK. Got my jeans on Calvin Klein, but they fit just fine. And I'm OK. I've got people who love me, what could ever be a better feeling than to love somebody.
[00:07:27.46] Daniel
[00:07:28.71] That was amazing. Thank you, Jennifer, can't wait to hear it live. One final question, what's next for you?
[00:07:41.04] What's next for me in music? A lot of things. I have a lot of plans. One is to make a real album in a studio. That's a dream of mine. Number two is to continue to do more live performances. I have my first big show in Tallahassee in April. And I'm super excited and super nervous.
[00:08:06.18] I just want to do everything with music. And I want too to use my skills to make a living so that I can live a more independent life. I'd like to get my songs into film, television, and ads so that I can make a steady income and have my own house and just live on my own terms. And isn't that everyone's dream?
[00:08:27.33] It's true, I agree. Thanks again, Jennifer. And we'd like to show our viewers one more clip of you playing "Mama Don't Worry" with your band.
[00:08:39.28] On stage
[00:08:40.05] (SINGING) Mama, don't you worry about me. You've made me strong. Ooh, this life is crazy, but I'm gonna get it, mom. Throw a fastball better than your average man. And I always make it home.
[00:08:55.17] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:09:05.10] Ken
[00:09:06.68] That was really fantastic. And we wish you the absolute best in your upcoming concert in Tallahassee.
[00:09:13.82] And Jennifer, thank you for joining us on Smile-O-Meter Friday.
[00:09:20.77] As we close out another episode of Smile-O-Meter Friday, we want to leave you with this quote from the great Stevie Wonder, "We all have ability, the difference is how we use it."
[00:09:35.88] Thank you for joining us. And see you next time.
[00:09:41.87] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:09:42.57] Text, Smile-o-meter Friday with Daniel & Ken. Thanks For Watching! To Learn More Visit, and Subscribe to Daniel's Music Foundation on You Tube.
[00:09:52.99] An animated hand icon rings a bell.