Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)
Smile-o-meter Friday: Episode 5 – Wishing you a Smile-o-meter and Joyful 2021 (Wednesday, December 30, 2020)
[Upbeat Music – Smile-o-meter Friday Theme Song]
[Image of show’s logo in white text “Smile-o-meter Friday With Daniel & Ken” on a bright blue background with translucent white circles.]
[Image – Caricatures on a white background of Daniel in glasses wearing a white polo T-shirt waving his left hand, with the word “Daniel” above his head on the left side of the screen. Ken is wearing a dark color suit jacket over a collared shirt and sweater, waving his right hand with the word “Ken” above his head on the right side of the screen. The picture of a bright yellow sun with a smiley face slides down from the top of the screen.]
[Voiceover:] Hosted by an unlikely duo, who are just trying to bring a little sunshine into the world.
[Image – Father and son duo, Ken and Daniel, seated in the “Studio” in front of piano against a cheery yellow wall, with a square Smile-o-meter Friday logo on the wall between them. Ken is on the right side of the screen, wearing a black suit and a white dress shirt with a red tie. Daniel is on the left, wearing glasses, and a black suit, yellow dress shirt and a yellow tie with blue stripes.]
[Ken:] You may be wondering why we’re all dressed up and looking spiffy.
[Daniel:] We wanted to end 2020 in style, and wish you a happy and healthy new year, with your Smile-o-meter way high!
[Ken:] It’s been a tough year for sure, but we look forward with optimism to 2021.
[Daniel:] In this episode, we’ll be staying local and taking you behind the scenes of Smile-o-meter Friday.
[Ken:] And in keeping with our tradition, we’ll also be bringing you some music this episode.
[Dreamy harp music plays in the background]
[Image – Caricature of Daniel deep in thought with his right hand over his chin, and a thought bubble above his head with the word “HMMM…” in it.]
[Daniel:] (Thinking to himself) Hmmm…
[Image – Caricature of Daniel screaming with a shocked expression, and his hands on either side of his face]
[Daniel:] (Thinking to himself) No! Ahhh! I hope he’s not going to bring out a mic…
[Image – Caricature of Ken smiling and wearing a party hat, with the numbers “3…2…1..” above his head]
[Daniel:] (Thinking to himself) …and start singing Auld Lang Syne. Or worse yet,…
[Image – Caricature of Ken playing a tuba with the words “WOMP WOMP” coming out of the large flared bell of the tuba]
[Daniel:] (Thinking to himself) …start jamming on the tuba like he did in Junior High School.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] Today we’ll be featuring Daniel on the keys, as well as singing some original songs.
[Image – Caricature of Daniel with sweat coming off his forehead, exhaling with relief and the words “PHEW!” in a thought bubble]
[Daniel:] (Thinking to himself) Phew! Disaster averted!
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Daniel:] But first, it’s time for…
[Daniel and Ken:] Did You Know?
[Image – The words “Did You Know?” large black letters on a white background slide down from the top of the screen. Illustrations of both Daniel and Ken deep in thought appear. They share the same thought bubble above their heads that includes a “thinking” emoji (a round yellow face with its right hand resting by the chin, with its thumb and pointer finger extended).]
[Daniel:] Did you know that my awesome mom is the one filming us and directing us each episode? I’d love for you to meet her.
[Image – Short video of Nancy sitting on a brown leather couch. She is wearing a pearl necklace and a light orange blouse printed with butterflies and leaves.]
[Nancy:] (Smiling and waving her right hand to the camera) Hi! I’m Nancy Trush. It’s been really fun working with Ken and Daniel in helping to create Smile-o-meter Friday. We always have plenty of laughs behind the scenes while we film. I’d like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy, and blessed New Year. Goodbye! (Waving)
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] Thanks, Nancy. And thanks for always being there for us. It’s been a beautiful 39 years of marriage.
[Image – Photo of Nancy and Ken smiling on their wedding day]
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] And, did you know, that the person who works with us on the creative, the emojis and edits, each and every episode, is our amazing Marketing and Disability Awareness Director, Carla Sullivan?
[Image – Caricature of Carla with long brown hair, wearing a long-sleeve blue shirt, waving her left hand]
[Image – Short video of Carla sitting in front of a blue wooden credenza with 2 small Christmas trees decorated with lights and strings of gold pearls and a red toy pickup truck on it. She is wearing grey suit jacket over a black blouse, hoop earrings and a long silver necklace.]
[Carla:] Hi, everyone! I’m Carla, and I really enjoy working on Smile-o-meter Friday. It truly is so much fun. I literally cannot stop laughing when I am working on the final cut and creating the emojis. I hope that you enjoy each episode as much as we do, and I wish you a happy and healthy New Year.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Daniel:] Thank you, Carla, for everything, and for bringing your energy and talent to each episode.
[Image – Caricature of Carla holding up a large white sign with the words “YOU’RE WELCOME” in blue and yellow letters]
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Daniel:] (Looking over to Ken) Hey, Dad, do you have any more “Did you knows”?
[Image – Caricature of Ken deep in thought with his right hand under his chin]
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] Actually, I do, from a personal point of view. Did you know, that as I enter the fourth quarter of my life and can only periodically run or hoop it up, and actually feel much more comfortable single-tasking rather than multi-tasking. Every day I wake up and try my absolute best…
[Image – Caricature of Ken sitting on a grassy hill with a round blue and green Earth caricature with a smiley face, with flowers and butterflies all around]
[Ken:] …in making the world just a little better place.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] How about you, D.?
[Daniel:] Did you know that even though I have short-term memory and mobility issues and only full use of my right hand, I connect to music more than anything else in the world and can still play the keys? Let me show you!
[Image – Short video of Daniel playing the keyboard with his right hand]
[Blues music playing on the keyboard]
[Daniel:] (Turning away from keyboard to look at camera) I don’t know why the Blues makes me so happy, but it does!
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] Also, did you know the beginning theme song from Smile-o-meter Friday is an actual original song written and performed by Daniel and our Artistic Director, Gerry Powers, titled ‘Someone Believes in Me’?
[Daniel:] Here’s a clip of us performing with the Eva Quartet from Juilliard.
[Image – Short video performance from the DMF Annual Benefit of Daniel singing in front of a microphone on stage, Gerry playing the guitar next to Daniel, and four young women playing string instruments behind them.]
[Music playing, Daniel and Gerry singing]
[Song lyrics]
When I look carefully into your eyes
Your emotions cannot be disguised
If you’re lost and can’t understand
You can always take hold of my hand
I will listen to everything you’re saying
Whether your words are full of joy or pain
I’ll be your helper, I’ll be your guide
I’m trying to find the real you inside
I’m here to show you what is possible
With a little confidence you will be unstoppable
I’m trying to make you see
you can be anything you want to be
I‘ve come this far because someone believes in me…
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Daniel:] And now, it’s time for:
[Daniel and Ken:] Adventures with Daniel and Ken!
[Image – The words “Adventures with Daniel & Ken” in black letters on the top left corner of a white background slides up from the bottom of the screen. Illustrations of Daniel on the right, smiling and sitting with him arms outstretched in the folds of a paper airplane, flying over a green and blue globe of the world below him. Ken is sitting in another paper airplane below the globe on the left.]
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Daniel:] Since we’re staying here in New York City, we thought we’d share some of our favorite places.
[Ken:] First up—no surprise here—it’s unanimous for both of us: The DMF Music Center.
[Image – Photo of exterior of a multi-story building that houses the DMF Music Center]
[Ken:] It’s our haven and source of energy.
[Images – Short video montage of scenes of music classes taking place at DMF’s Music Center: DMF instructor playing drums with a young girl; DMF Artistic Director Gerry teaching a teenage boy to play the keyboard; Daniel and DMF instructor Scott leading a group of young children in a tambourine activity inside a music studio.]
[Ken:] But unfortunately, it’s still closed. But it’ll open again as soon as it is safe.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] Second to the music center, my absolute favorite place in New York City is: Central Park.
[Images – Short video of scenes of Central Park: Overhead shot of New York City skyline with Central Park in the foreground; Lake with fall leaves on trees in the background; Sunset view with New York City skyline in the background and Central Park Reservoir in the foreground.]
[Ken:] An 840-acre oasis right in the center of Manhattan. There are so many wonderful and special spots there, where I walk, read, and just take in the beauty.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] How about you, D.?
[Images – Photo montage: Exterior of Yankee Stadium; Blue, white, gold and brown patch embroidered with the Yankees logo, 4 gold stars, the words “NEW YORK YANKEES,” the number “27” over blue vertical stripes, and “WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS” along with the Major League Baseball logo; The Trush family and NY Yankees staff members standing in the middle of the ball field with spectators in the background; Daniel and brother Michael pictured with three NY Yankees ballplayers; Daniel and Michael pictured with Yankees closer Mariano Rivera; Daniel’s Music Foundation musicians singing the national anthem in front of a packed stadium.]
[Daniel:] For me, it’s definitely Yankee Stadium. Not only do they host the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees, but they also honored Daniel’s Music in 2011 as part of Yankees HOPE Week – a day I will never forget.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Daniel:] Here’s some of the highlights.
[Image – Short video of scenes from Yankees HOPE Week 2011]
[Image in HOPE Week video – Crowds of fans entering Yankee Stadium]
[Voiceover in HOPE Week video:] So, it’s off to the Bronx…
[Image in video – Daniel and Ken walking through the corridor inside the stadium]
[Voiceover in video:] …where Daniel tickled the keys of the stadium organ,…
[Images and music playing in video – Daniel playing ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’ on the organ with others looking on]
[Voiceover in video:] …and even got to meet the captain.
[Image in video – Daniel and the Trush family meeting with Derek Jeter]
[Derek in video:] Nice meeting you.
[Daniel in video:] Good meeting you, too, Derek.
[Derek in video:] (Shaking hands with Daniel) All right, buddy. Good luck!
[Images in video – Daniel and the Trush family posing for photos on the baseball field; DMF musicians walking to the field]
[Voiceover in video:] As game time approached, Daniel and his family join the other members of the foundation for a rousing rendition of the anthem.
[Music and images in video – DMF musicians dressed in grey Yankees HOPE Week T-shirts singing the national anthem with DMF Artistic Director Gerry conducting; DMF musicians and spectators cheering in the stands]
[DMF musicians in video:] (Singing) …and the home of the brave. (Cheering)
[Ken in video:] I'm going to take you into the world of people with disability. A lot of times they are invisible. A lot of times people shy away because they don't understand.
[Images in video – DMF musicians on stage; DMF members cheering in the stands at Yankee Stadium]
[Ken in video:] But today, Daniel and all the members were stars.
[Image in video – Ken being interviewed]
[Ken in video:] Made me feel so happy.
[Images in video – Daniel throwing out the first pitch; Daniel being interviewed; Daniel hugging Yankee ballplayer wearing jersey #55 on the field with Michael looking on]
[Daniel in video:] It was amazing! It was the best day of my life.
[Image in video – Daniel on the baseball field yelling enthusiastically into the NY Yankees interviewer’s microphone]
[Daniel in video:] Play ball! (Cheering)
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] What a memorable day, and what an excellent organization.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the Studio]
[Ken:] But you know, D., it’s time for our final segment:
[Image – The words “Food For Thought” in black letters on a white background slide up from the bottom of the screen. Caricatures of Daniel winking, with his face peering through the middle of a bright yellow pineapple, and Ken holding up a big slice of watermelon with a smiley face on it.)
[Daniel and Ken:] Food For Thought
[Image – White letters slide in from the left and right sides on blue screens to form the quote:
“Being challenged in life is inevitable…”
“being defeated is optional.”]
[Daniel:] “Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”
[Images – Photo montage of Roger Crawford on a tennis court about to hit a ball with a tennis racquet; Roger smiling and holding up four tennis racquets; Close-up of a tennis racquet held by one finger on Roger’s dominant right hand through a piece of wood attached to the middle part of the throat of the racquet.]
[Daniel:] Roger Crawford, NCAA Division One (Roman numeral “I”) Hall of Fame tennis athlete with four impaired limbs.
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the studio]
[Ken:] We’d like to close this episode with this original song written by Daniel and our Artistic Director, Gerry Powers, called ‘My Prayer For You’.
[Daniel:] It’s dedicated to all of you. We wish you much joy and health in 2021!
[Image – Music video for ‘My Prayer For You’]
[Music playing]
[Images in music video – Bright purple and white color stars on a black background shoot from the left side to the right side of the screen. “Daniel’s Music Foundation” in white letters appear in the middle of the screen as white swirls appear at the top left and bottom right corners.]
[Images in video – Bright purple and white color stars fly over the white DMF letters from left to right. The words “Daniel’s Music Foundation” change from white letters to blue, yellow and bright pink letters, respectively. The word “presents” in green letters appears at the bottom left corner of the screen.]
[Image in video – The song’s title “My Prayer For You” appears in blue letters on a black screen]
[Image in video – The song’s lyrics appear in white text on a black background, one line at a time as Daniel sings]
[Daniel in video:] (Singing)
[Song lyrics]
May you find love
May you succeed
May you have faith
May you believe
May you accept
whatever life brings
and don’t sweat
all the little things
May you have
enough to eat
May you find
a place to sleep,
a comfortable bed,
a roof above,
in a home filled with love
May you find something
you can do
every day,
that makes someone happy
in some little way
May your joy be grand
and your troubles few
This is my prayer for you
May you be free
of grief and pain
May gentleness
in your heart reign
May your patience
and knowledge expand,
and your wisdom
to understand
In these times
may we find Peace
May all of our
blessings increase
May we be grateful
for all we have,
and remember to give back
May you find something
you can do
every day,
that makes someone happy
in some little way
May your joy be grand
and your troubles few
This is my prayer for you
May you walk beside waters
calm and clear
with your family and
friends nearby.
May your days be happy
and filled with cheer
and sun shining
in a blue sky
May you find something
you can do
every day,
that makes someone happy
in some little way
May your joy be grand
and your troubles few
This is my prayer for you
This is my prayer for you
[Image in video – End credits scroll from the bottom to the top of the screen]
[Image in video – Song title in white text on a black background]
My Prayer For You
[Image in video – Credits in yellow text on a black background]
written by Daniel Trush
Gerard Powers
lead vocal Daniel Trush
arrangement Gerard Powers
guitars, keyboards Gerard Powers
mixing, editing Gerard Powers
Dan Crowley
mastering Dan Crowley
[Image in video – Copyright symbol (letter c in a circle) and year in yellow text on a black background]
© 2015
[Image in video – Green text on a black background]
recorded at Daniel’s Music Foundation
[Image – Daniel and Ken in the studio]
[Daniel and Ken:] (Pointing their fingers towards the camera with big smiles on their faces) See you next year!
[Music – Smile-o-meter Friday theme song]
[Image of show’s title “Smile-o-meter Friday With Daniel & Ken” on a bright blue background.]
[A final slide includes white words on a black background: