Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)

Nancy’s Book Corner - Episode #3:

My Brother Charlie (Friday, September 24, 2021)




The show’s logo (“Nancy’s Book Corner” in white text inside a black rectangular sign outline) on a bright turquoise background slides up the screen. Illustrations of five books on a shelf, along with an open book with two red and pink heart shapes floating above the pages, appear below the show’s title.

NARRATOR: Nancy's Book Corner, a read aloud of children's books that introduce disabilities and celebrate differences. 


Nancy is seated in her “Studio” in front of bright blue wall. Behind her is a white bookcase with children’s books on the shelves and a potted plant on top, and a small white side table with several stuffed toys on it. Nancy is wearing a pearl necklace and a royal blue color long-sleeved blouse. She is holding a children’s book in her lap.


NANCY: Hi, welcome back to Nancy's Book Corner. I'm Nancy Trush, co-founder of Daniel's Music Foundation and Daniel's Mom. As an early childhood educator, one of my favorite things to do is to share special books about differences with my students. 


Unopened book in Nancy’s lap. The book cover has an illustration of blue sky and clouds in the background, an African American girl hugging an African American boy in the center, and a brown dog with its tongue sticking out in the foreground. The book’s title ‘My Brother Charlie’ is in bright yellow letters at the top of the book cover. “written by HOLLY ROBINSON PEETE” in green letters, “and RYAN ELIZABETH PEETE” in blue letters, and “pictures by SHANE W. EVANS” in black letters are on the bottom left corner. 

NANCY: The title of today's book is, ‘My Brother Charlie’ written by Holly Robinson Peete and Ryan Elizabeth Peete, with pictures by Shane W. Evans. 


Nancy in the Studio.


NANCY: This is a story about a little girl named Callie and her twin brother Charlie, who has autism. Callie shares some of the challenges her brother faces, and also some of his wonderful qualities, like showing his love for his family members, including his dog, Harriet. As you listen to the story, I want you to think about how Callie and Charlie are the same and how they are different. Let's get started.


Nancy opens the book in her lap. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of a pregnant woman in a yellow dress, while her husband speaks to the unborn babies in her belly.


NANCY: We've always been together—even in Mommy's tummy—my twin brother, Charlie, and me. 


Nancy reading the book in the Studio. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Callie and Charlie leaning against their big brown dog, Harriet. Callie is holding a trumpet and Charlie is holding a football. They are both dressed in long-sleeved red shirts and blue jeans.

NANCY: We still share lots of things: Curly hair and brown eyes. How much we love hot chocolate with marshmallows. Our dog, Harriet. Rolling in the grass. Music, football…


Nancy in the Studio, with an open book in her lap.

NANCY: …and names that start with the letter C: Callie and Charlie. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Left page of the open book: Illustration of Charlie and Callie sitting down on the grass with their parents, with a telescope to look up at the stars at night.


NANCY: But being twins doesn't make us exactly the same. I'm two minutes younger than Charlie. I can stare for hours at the Big Dipper and the moon. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: And I love to talk. 


Right page of the open book: Illustration of Charlie holding a toy helicopter in his right hand, standing tiptoes on four thick books with his outstretched left arm to reach up to a toy airplane that is stuck in the branch of a tree, as Callie walks towards him.

NANCY: Charlie is skinnier and goofier than me. He hates math. When he looks at the sky, he finds jets and helicopters. And sometimes…


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: …my brother gets very quiet. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Mommy hugging Callie and Charlie, as a cat snuggles up against them.


NANCY: When we were babies, I pointed out flowers, and cats and fireflies. I snuggled and giggled with Mommy on dark nights. And told Mommy again and again how much I love her. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: But Charlie was different. He wouldn't play with me. Or kiss Mommy's cheeks when she hugged him. And he didn't say “I love you.” Seems these words were locked deep inside my brother. 


Close-up of the illustration of Mommy hugging Callie and Charlie.


NANCY: Everyone told Mommy not to worry. “He's just being a boy,” they said. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: But Mommy knew there was something different about Charlie. I knew it, too. 


Nancy turns the page. Close-up of an illustration of Mommy with Charlie at the doctor’s office.

NANCY: As we grew older, Mommy watched Charlie very carefully. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: She and I could see he was struggling. Then Mommy discovered that Charlie's brain works in a special way, because Charlie has autism. 


Close-up of the illustration of Mommy with Charlie at the doctor’s office.

NANCY: It's harder for Charlie to make friends, or show his feelings, or stay safe. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of a doctor examining Charlie with a stethoscope as a worried Mommy looks on.

NANCY: One doctor even told Mommy that Charlie…


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: …would never say, “I love you.” That made Mommy and me saddest of all. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Mommy and Daddy, together with Charlie and Callie, outside a building.


NANCY: I have learned from Charlie that love doesn't always come from what you say. It can also come from what you do. And so, we do right by Charlie. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: We love Charlie strong. We watch over him with the might of angels. We have to. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Page from the open book: Illustration of Charlie dangling upside down from a swing set as two kids reach their arms up, ready to catch him if he falls.


NANCY: When Charlie wants something nothing stops him. Even when it's dangerous. 


Page from the open book: Illustration of Callie sitting on a bench with her arms crossed, looking upset.

NANCY: And there are days when it's hard to be Charlie's sister. Sometimes he can ruin the best play dates. Other times, he seems so far away.


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: Like when he won't look at me, or speak, or play. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Charlie playing with a puzzle piece on his own, while Callie plays with a friend.


NANCY: I wish I could crawl inside Charlie's world, to move things around for him and for me. I know Charlie wants to be in my world. Fitting in, making friends…


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: …having fun and laughing. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Charlie and Callie wearing identical blue shirts and brown pants, looking at each other like a mirror image, with one of their hands interlocking and touching one another’s index fingers with the other hand.

NANCY: There are good times with Charlie, too, when Charlie looks right at me and welcomes me with his smile. He lets me touch his face. He laughs when we lock fingers in a holding hands game. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: That's Charlie's “I love you,” said in the silly ways we play together. 


Nancy turns the page of the book. 


NANCY: Charlie is good at so much. He knows the names of all the American presidents. He's a fish in the water, that means he's a really good swimmer. He has a special way with animals… 


Page from the open book: Illustration of Charlie holding a red ball to play with Harriet the dog, with its tongue sticking out.

NANCY: …especially Harriet. When Harriet and Charlie are together, there's even more, I love you… 


Nancy reading the book in the Studio.

NANCY: …said in a way only Charlie can, when he gets Harriet to sit, run, or listen. 


Nancy turns the page. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Charlie playing the piano. Close-up of the upper front board of the upright piano with the following words in black letters: 

Charlie's got a mind that tests things. 


Paper clips. 



And he enjoys sharing.


NANCY: Charlie's got a mind that tests things. Shoelaces. Paper clips. Apples. Pinecones. And he enjoys sharing. 


Illustration of Charlie as he plays the piano, with the following words in black letters on the piano’s upper front board: 

He likes to show off his shell collection, his new sneakers, and how well he plays "Itsy Bitsy Spider" on the piano.

NANCY: He likes to show off his shell collection, his new sneakers, and how he plays "Itsy Bitsy Spider" on the piano. 


Nancy in the Studio, turning the page of the book.


NANCY: Charlie likes to share…


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Charlie running after Callie, who’s riding her red banana-seat bicycle with long streamers on the handlebars.

NANCY: …how sweet he is and how much he cares about other people. When I fall off my bike or bump my head, Charlie comes running. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: He always makes my hurts feel better with the caring that comes from his eyes. 


Close-up of Charlie running.

Sometimes when Charlie can find the words—when they unlock themselves from inside him—


Nancy in the Studio, reading.

NANCY: …he does say, “I love you.” 


Nancy turns the page.


NANCY: I will always remember the first time I heard him say it. 


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Charlie consoling Callie after she hurt her toe, as their dog Harriet looks on.

NANCY: So clear and kind. So Charlie. I banged my toe hard and cried. There was my brother, patting my back. saying over and over again, "Don't cry, Callie, I love you." 


Nancy reading the book in the Studio.

NANCY: It wasn't just the words that were so strong.


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Callie smiling and hugging Charlie while Harriet the dog licks Charlie’s left cheek.

NANCY: It was the love that Charlie showed me. Just by being there. 


Nancy in the Studio.

NANCY: "I love you, too, Charlie," came from me fast. 


Nancy turns the page. Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Charlie, Callie, their parents and dog strolling together happily on the beach at sunset.


NANCY: Charlie has autism. But autism doesn't have Charlie. If you ever get to meet my brother, you'll feel lucky to be his friend. 


Nancy reading in the Studio.

NANCY: He won't care if you have the coolest sneakers, or if you are the best at sports. He'll just like you for who you really are. That's Charlie. 

NANCY: I'm blessed to be…


Close-up of Charlie with his family at the beach.

NANCY: …Charlie's sister, and to share so much. I count my “Charlie Blessings” every day. 


Nancy in the Studio.


NANCY: At the very top of my “Charlie Blessings” list…


Two pages from the open book: Illustration of Callie smiling as she hands a puzzle piece to Charlie so he can complete the jigsaw puzzle.

NANCY: …is the love Charlie and I have for each other. Said in so many ways. 


Nancy in the Studio. She closes the book.


NANCY: I hope you enjoyed ‘My Brother Charlie,’ a book about family, understanding, and love. I look forward to sharing another story with you real soon. (Waving) Goodbye! 



Nancy’s Book Corner logo slides down the screen.


White words on a black background:



Red button with the word “SUBSCRIBE” in white letters and an icon of a hand pointing at the button appears at the bottom of the screen.



Hand icon clicks on button, and the YouTube icon appears on the left.

Text in button changes to “SUBSCRIBED” and button changes to a grey color.



White words on a black background:




A bell icon appears to the right of the “SUBSCRIBED” button. The hand icon clicks on the bell. The YouTube icon moves to the right side of the screen and disappears. 


Two images with clickable links on a black background.


Left side of screen: 

White rectangle with blue Daniel’s Music Foundation logo, the words “Daniel’s Music Foundation” in blue letters, and a small red rectangle with the word “SUBSCRIBE” in white letters. Clicking on the red rectangle will allow viewers to subscribe to Daniel’s Music Foundation’s YouTube Channel (


Right side of screen: 

Front cover of the children’s book ‘Special People, Special Ways’ by Arlene Maguire on a teal background, with Nancy’s Book Corner logo at the bottom left corner and a white Daniel’s Music Foundation logo on the bottom right corner. The words “Special People, Special Ways” by Arlene Maguire and “Read Aloud Books for Kids” in white letters appear at the top. Clicking on the image will link to the video of Nancy’s Book Corner Episode #2: Special People, Special Ways (