Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)

Nancy’s Book Corner - Episode #2:

Special People, Special Ways (Friday, March 19, 2021)

[Cheery Music – Nancy’s Book Corner Theme Song]

[Image – The show’s logo (“Nancy’s Book Corner” in white text inside a black rectangular sign outline) on a bright turquoise background slides up the screen. Illustrations of five books on a shelf, along with an open book with two red and pink heart shapes floating above the pages, appear below the show’s title.]

[Voiceover:] Nancy’s Book Corner. A read-aloud of children's books that introduce disabilities and celebrate differences.

[Image – Nancy is seated in the “Studio” in front of a piano against a bright yellow wall. Nancy is wearing a pearl necklace and a light orange color long-sleeved blouse printed with butterflies, leaves and flowers.]

[Nancy:] Hi! Welcome back to Nancy's Book Corner. I'm Nancy Trush, co-founder of Daniel's Music Foundation, and Daniel's mom. 

[Nancy:] The title of today's book is: Special People, Special Ways. Written by Arlene Maguire and illustrated by Sheila Bailey. 

[Nancy:] Special People, Special Ways is a beautiful rhyming book that teaches us about differences, and treating everyone with kindness and understanding.

[Nancy:] Let's get started!

[Image – Front cover of the book on a black table. The book cover is a bright yellow color with the title ‘Special People, Special Ways’ in blue letters at the top. The author’s name, “Arlene Maguire,” in purple letters is below the book’s title, and “Illustrated by Sheila Bailey” in purple letters is at the bottom of the book cover. A round orange color sticker with the words “Creative Child Magazine,” “Creative Toy Awards 2009” and “Preferred Choice Award” is affixed to the bottom right corner of the book. The cover includes a colorful illustration of 12 children of various ages and ethnicities, with different abilities and disabilities, as well as a guide dog and a service monkey on the lap of a child sitting in a wheelchair.]

[Nancy:] Special People, Special Ways.

[Image – Nancy opens the book and starts reading aloud]

[Nancy:] Though people look different 

We share hopes and fears.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of 12 children having a picnic underneath a large apple tree, climbing and playing on the tree, and picking apples.]

[Nancy:] Giggles and grumbles,

Our dreams and our tears.

[Image – Nancy in the Studio reading, with an open book in her hands]

[Nancy:] Not everyone born

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Left page has an illustration of two children building a birdhouse in a workshop as 3 little birds look on; Right page has a small illustration of a girl holding a badminton racquet with shuttlecocks strewn all over the ground by her feet.]

[Nancy:] Is athletic or smart. We each have a choice

[Image – Nancy in the Studio, reading the open book]

[Nancy:] To give from our heart.

[Sound effects (SFX) – Bells chiming]

[Image – Black letters on a white screen: A Note From Nancy]

[Image – Nancy in Studio]

[Nancy:] Everyone is unique and special, and we can all achieve great things and contribute in our own way, no matter what our innate abilities are or what challenges we might face. 

[SFX – Bells chiming]

[Image – White swirls on the top left and right corners of a black screen]

[Image – Nancy reading the open book in the Studio]

[Nancy:] All people shine 

As jewels in a chest. 

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of children playing and running on the beach. Two girls are playing with toys inside a pirate’s treasure chest: One girl has a brace on her right arm, and the second girl is visually impaired and wears dark glasses and has her arm around a guide dog.]

[Nancy:] Born with our gifts 

Each person is blessed. 

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Some see with a touch 

Or shape fingers to talk.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of schoolchildren in a classroom with a teacher teaching them about sign language as she points to the letter “F” and the corresponding hand shape on a banner over the chalkboard.]

[Nancy:] Others sit silent 

And many can't walk.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Some pilot a wheelchair, 

Guide a walker or cane.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Left page has an illustration of three people taking a walk in an apple orchard: an old woman using a walker, a little girl using a wheelchair, and a visually-impaired girl using a cane and holding on to a guide dog’s harness; Right page has a small illustration of a bird.]

[Nancy:] And lots of good people 

Struggle with pain.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Creams flow from small tubes 

To soothe where it aches.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Left page has a small illustration of an empty tube of cream; Right page has an illustration of a worried boy seated on a chair in a doctor’s office with a bright light shining on his face and he is surrounded by various medical equipment.]

[Nancy:] And many seek cures 

For jitters and shakes.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Hands at a keyboard 

Make mum voices heard.

Since lips of some people 

Form barely a word. 

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of six children performing various activities indoors: a girl is typing on a computer keyboard, two boys are looking at a caterpillar and 2 cocoons inside a glass case, a boy is playing with a puzzle, while a girl with crutches and another girl in a wheelchair look on.]

[Nancy:] Sometimes it's hard

To get through the day.

But we do what we can 

In our very own way.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] There are those who are fed 

Or helped to get dressed.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Left page has an illustration of a boy in his bedroom trying to put on a shirt with both arms outstretched above his head; Right page has a small illustration a pair of white socks.]

[Nancy:] But everyone's proud,

Having given their best.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Thousands wear glasses 

Or use gadgets to hear.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of a scene in a busy city during the day: subway trains travelling on elevated tracks, people inside high-rise buildings, a school crossing guard holding a stop sign, and schoolchildren lined up, getting ready to board a school bus.]

[Nancy:] Fine mists and face masks 

Help some to breathe air.

[Image – Nancy in the Studio, reading the open book]

[Nancy:] Animals serve 

[Image – Two pages from the open book: A visually-impaired girl using a cane and holding on to her guide dog’s harness arrives for a tea party at a home of a girl in a wheelchair, as a service monkey opens the door to greet the guests.]

[Nancy:] Like dogs, as a guide. 

And monkeys well trained 

To help along side.

[SFX – Bells chiming]

[Image – Black letters on a white screen: A Note From Nancy]

[Image – Nancy in Studio]

[Nancy:] You may have seen service dogs that help people with their daily living activities. But did you know that there are service monkeys as well? There is an organization in Boston that trains capuchin monkeys to help individuals that may need extra support to accomplish certain tasks or activities, just like the little service monkey in the story.

[SFX – Bells chiming]

[Image – White swirls on the top left and right corners of a black screen]

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Plenty learn slowly 

When trying to read.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of a young child sitting in a large purple armchair reading a book together with an older girl.]

[Nancy:] But everyone’s special 

At fast or slow speed.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] We help when we can 

Should someone need aid;

Giving and taking 

Bring wonder in trade.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration of 10 children running and flying kites on a hill, along with their service dog and service monkey.]

[Nancy:] Share a joke or a dream. 

Make someone feel good.

We need laughter, hugs,

And to be understood.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Be thoughtful to all 

As you would a good friend. 

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Illustration children playing and pretending to be doctors and patient: a boy is being treated for his (fake) injuries at “Dr. Kids Hospital” as a friend helps to bandage up his head and another checks his pulse, while another child peers into a microscope.]

[Nancy:] Since the hurts that we feel 

Are not easy to mend.

[Image – Nancy reading]

[Nancy:] Though we seem different 

Inside we’re the same.

[Image – Two pages from the open book: Left page has an illustration of three children stargazing at night, seated on a wooden fence with a telescope propped next to them; Right page has a small illustration of a shooting star.]

[Nancy:] Our hearts are for caring 

No matter our name.

[Image – Nancy in Studio]

[Nancy:] I hope you enjoyed the book ‘Special People, Special Ways,’ and will always treat people with respect, understanding and kindness. And always remember the golden rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 

[Nancy:] I look forward to sharing another story with you, real soon. (Waving right hand) Good-bye!

[Image – Nancy’s Book Corner logo slides down the screen as the theme song plays]

[Image – White words on a black background] 



[A final slide includes the following two images with clickable links on a black background]

[Image #1 (Left side of screen) – White rectangle with blue Daniel’s Music Foundation logo, the words “Daniel’s Music Foundation” in blue letters, and a small red rectangle with the word “SUBSCRIBE” in white letters. Clicking on the red rectangle will allow viewers to subscribe to Daniel’s Music Foundation’s YouTube Channel.]

[Image #2 (Right side of screen) – Nancy in the Studio with the words “When Charley Met Emma by Amy Webb - Nancy’s Book Corner - Episode #1” in white letters at the top of the screen. Clicking on the image will link to the video of Nancy’s Book Corner - Episode #1:]