Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)

DMF KeyNotes – Roland Johnson Video Transcript


[Images are slides with written words matching the dialogue, with upbeat music in the background.]


[Narrator:] Daniel’s Music Foundation presents

[Image – Daniel’s Music Foundation logo, which includes an arch (half circle) made up of musical notes, with a treble cleft in the middle, and three musical notes on either side]


DMF KeyNotes

A Celebration of Individuals with Disabilities

This week features 

[Image – Sketch of Roland Johnson speaking in front of a microphone at a podium, with three people sitting to his left]

Roland Johnson born 1945 to 1994

[Image – Photo of a smiling Roland Johnson]

He was a disability rights activist who was born with a developmental disability.

Institutionalized at 13, Johnson survived 13 years of abuse at Pennhurst State School and Hospital.

[Images (2) – Photo of Roland Johnson as a young boy standing and holding a young girl’s hand on the left side of the screen, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania seal and photo of the Pennhurst State School building in Spring City, Pennsylvania, on the right side of the screen]

In 1971, he gained his freedom through the landmark case Halderman v. Pennhurst.

[Image – Photo of the Pennhurst State School & Hospital historical plaque which reads: “Between 1908 and 1987, more than 10,500 Pennsylvanians with developmental disabilities lived here. Public controversy over the inhumane treatment of residents and two decades of complex litigation, including three arguments before the US Supreme Court, led to the institution’s closure. Groundbreaking advocacy and new public policy, including transition to community-based living, made Pennhurst a milestone in the disabilities civil rights movement.”]

He struggled for several years but emerged as a pioneer for the disabled.

[Image - Photo of Roland Johnson wearing a business suit standing in the middle of an open field] 

Through his testimony and speeches across the country, Johnson played a part in shutting down Pennhurst.

[Image – Photo of Roland Johnson speaking in front of a microphone at a podium, with two people sitting to his left]

His work also contributed to the release of numerous people from other state institutions.

[Image – Front cover of a book, with the same photo of Roland Johnson standing in the middle of an open field, entitled: “Roland Johnson’s LOST IN A DESERT WORLD - An Autobiography”]

Johnson became a leader of the self-advocacy movement by demonstrating that the developmentally disabled could speak for themselves.

He also later became President of the Board of Speaking for Ourselves and a Board Member of Self Advocates Becoming Empowered.

As part of a delegation Johnson witnessed the American with Disabilities Act signed into law in 1990.

[Image – Photo of President George H. Bush holding up a document to show to Roland Johnson, while another man looks on behind them]

[Quote from Roland Johnson:] 

“The only way to break that barrier is to tell people that you are in control over your own life…”

[Image - Photo of Roland Johnson speaking in front of a microphone, with a flag of the United States in the background]

Thank you Roland Johnson!

[Image - Photo of a smiling Roland Johnson]

You can thank him too by sharing his incredible story today!

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[Slide includes an image of Daniel’s Music Foundation’s logo and reads:] 


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for more episodes of DMF KeyNotes.

[A final slide includes an image of Daniel’s Music Foundation’s logo and website address:]


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Photo Credits (in order):

  • 4th Slide - Roland Johnson Sketch: Clip2Comic/Temple University

  • 5th & 16th Slides - Photo of Roland Johnson:

  • 7th Slide - Photo of Roland Johnson and Sister (Left): New York Times via the Johnson Family

  • 7th Slide - Photo of Pennhurst State School (Right):

  • 8th Slide - Photo of Pennhurst State School & Hospital plaque:

  • 9th Slide - Photo of Roland Johnson: New York Times via the Johnson Family

  • 10th Slide - Photo of Roland Johnson: Steve Eidelman/Temple University

  • 11th Slide - Photo of Roland Johnson’s book:

  • 14th Slide - Photo of Roland Johnson with President George Bush: George Bush Presidential Library and Museum

  • 15th Slide - Photo of Roland Johnson: