Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)
DMF KeyNotes – Annette Kellermann Video Transcript
[Images are slides with written words matching the dialogue, with upbeat music playing
in the background]
Slide 1
Daniel’s Music Foundation presents
[Image – Daniel’s Music Foundation logo, which includes an arch (half circle) made up
of musical notes, with a treble clef in the middle, and three musical notes on either side]
Slide 2
DMF KeyNotes
[Image - DMF KeyNotes logo, which includes a gold key with a heart-shaped handle
and a white music note inside the heart-shaped handle. The gold key is placed between
the text ‘DMF’ and ‘KeyNotes’, and a white border surrounds the text]
Slide 3
A Celebration of Individuals with Disabilities
[Text on Screen]
Slide 4
This week features
[Image – Sketch of Annette Kellermann]
Slide 5
Annette Kellermann, born 1887-1975
[Image –Annette Kellermann, standing in a long one-piece swimsuit.]
Slide 6
She was an international swim and film star who had the skeletal disorder, rickets, at a
young age.
[Text on Screen]
Slide 7
Kellermann wore painful steel braces to stabilize her legs weakened by her disorder.
[Text on Screen]
Slide 8
At age 6, her parents enrolled her in swimming classes to further strengthen her legs.
[Text on Screen]
Slide 9
By age 13, Kellermann no longer had challenges walking.
[Image - Young Annette Kellermann holding up an item and smiling]
Slide 10
At 15, she began her competitive career as a champion swimmer.
[Image - Annette Kellermann, swimming.]
Slide 11
In 1905, she became one of the first women to attempt to swim the English Channel.
[Image - Annette Kellermann, standing in a one-piece swimsuit and in a dive position]
Slide 12
In 1907, she popularized synchronized swimming by performing in the first water ballet
at the New York Hippodrome.
[Images (2) Left - Photo of Annette Kellermann diving into water; Right - Photo of
Annette Kellermann posing underwater]
Slide 13
Kellermann promoted swimming as a public health issue.
[Image - Annette Kellermann laying on her stomach in a full one-piece swimsuit]
Slide 14
Not only did women’s woolen swimsuits restrict movement; when wet they became
heavy weights.
[Image - Photo of a young girl wearing a wool swimsuit.]
Slide 15
She advocated for the women's one-piece swimsuit, defying the code of modesty in the
early 1900s.
[Image - Photo of Annette Kellerman, standing on a beach with both arms lifted up]
Slide 16
The popularity of her one-piece suits resulted in her line of women's swimwear.
[Text on Screen]
Slide 17
The "Kellermanns", as they were known, were the first step towards modern women's
[Text on Screen]
Slide 18
In 1909, Kellermann started a career in Hollywood. Her films had aquatic themes.
[Image - Photo of Movie poster, titled “Lee Bradford Corporation presents, Annette
Kellerman in Venus of the South Seas”]
Slide 19
By the 1920s, she was a writer and lecturer who was a pioneer in modern health and
[Image - Photo of Annette Kellermann, smiling]
Slide 20
"My early physical misfortune has turned out to be the greatest blessing.... Without it I
should have missed the grim struggle upward..."
[Image - Photo of Annette Kellermann, laying on rocks and dressed in a mermaid
Slide 21
Thank you, Annette Kellermann!
[Image - Portrait photo of Annette Kellermann]
Slide 22
You can thank her too by sharing her incredible story today!
Slide 23
Share, Follow, Like, Daniel's Music on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
[Slide includes an image of Daniel’s Music Foundation’s logo and reads:]
Instagram DMFMusic (link is external)
Facebook Daniel’s Music Foundation (link is external)
Twitter DanielsMusicFdn (link is external)
Slide 24
If you enjoyed this episode of DMF KeyNotes and want to see more, please subscribe
to Daniel's Music's YouTube Channel.
[Text on Screen]
Slide 25
[A final slide includes an image of Daniel’s Music Foundation’s logo and website
DMF Instagram:
DMF Facebook:
DMF Twitter:
DMF YouTube:
DMF website:
Photo Credits (in order):
● 4th Slide - Sketch of Annette Kellermann: Library of Congress
● 5th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Library of Congress
● 9th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Wednesdays Women
● 10th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Getty Images
● 11th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Berkley Books
● 12th Slide (left) - Photo of Annette Kellermann: State Library of NSW
● 12th Slide (right) - Photo of Annette Kellermann: National Film and Sound
● 13th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: State Library of NSW
● 14th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Victoriana Library
● 15th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Library of Congress
● 18th Slide - Image of Movie poster: Lee Bradford Corporation
● 19th Slide - Image of Annette Kellermann: Alamy
● 20th Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: The Everett Collection
● 21st Slide - Photo of Annette Kellermann: Vintage Venus