Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)

DMF KeyNotes –  Albert Einstein Video Transcript


[Images are slides with written words matching the dialogue, with upbeat music playing in the background]


Slide 1

Daniel’s Music Foundation presents

[Image – Daniel’s Music Foundation logo, which includes an arch (half circle) made up of musical notes, with a treble clef in the middle, and three musical notes on either side]


Slide 2

DMF KeyNotes

[Image - DMF KeyNotes logo, which includes a gold key with a heart-shaped handle and a white music note inside the heart-shaped handle. The gold key is placed between the text ‘DMF’ and ‘KeyNotes’, and a white border surrounds the text]


Slide 3

A Celebration of Individuals with Disabilities

[Text on Screen]


Slide 4

This episode features 

[Image – Black & White portrait sketch of Albert Einstein]

Slide 5

Albert Einstein, born 1879-1955

[Image – A colourized portrait photo of Albert Einstein]

Slide 6

He was a renowned theoretical physicist who had a speech delay as a child.  

[Text on Screen]

Slide 7

Einstein did not speak until the age of five. He found his voice through classical music and playing the violin.

[Text on Screen]

Slide 8

Most significantly, his youth was marked by deep inquisitiveness and inquiry. 

[Image - Black & White Portrait photo of a fourteen year old Albert Einstein - about 1902]

Slide 9

1905 is seen by many as a "miracle year" when Einstein published four papers that defined the future of physics.

[Image - Black & White Portrait photo of Albert Einstein the year he published four papers including one introducing his theory of relativity.]


Slide 10

Most famously, his theory of special relativity that expresses the equivalence of mass and energy, E=mc2.

[Text on Screen]

Slide 11

In 1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect.

[Images (2) Left - Black & White photo of Albert Einstein standing beside a blackboard with chalk-marked mathematical calculations written across it.; Right - Photo of Albert Einstein (right) talking with US chemist Irving Langmuir (left) at a dinner to honour the centenary of the birth of Alfred Nobel.]

Slide 12

The Nazi Party influenced other scientists to label Einstein's work as "Jewish physics." He became a target and fled Germany in 1933, accepting a position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ.

[Text on Screen]

Slide 13

Though Einstein was a pacifist, he supported the U.S. during WWII and subsequently became increasingly drawn to anti war activities.

[Text on Screen]

Slide 14

He also joined the NAACP to help advance the civil rights of African Americans. 

[Image - Albert Einstein standing beside a chalkboard at Lincoln University - the first degree-granting black college in the US - speaking with a group of students.]

Slide 15

He would become an international celebrity and perhaps the best-recognized scientist of all time.

[Image - Photo of Albert Einstein during a meeting with some colleagues in 1931.]

Slide 16

Equally known for his eccentricities, some historians even claimed Einstein to be on the autism spectrum.

[Image - Photo of Albert Einstein celebrating his 70th Birthday by inviting some European displaced children from concentration camps in his Princeton House.]

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Even after Einstein's death in 1955, his work continues to shape the theory of general relativity today.  Many leading physicists are trying to finish his ultimate dream of a “theory of everything.”

[Text on Screen]

Slide 18

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” 

[Image - Black & White photo of Albert Einstein.]

Slide 19

Thank you, Albert Einstein!

[Image - Black & White photo of Albert Einstein.]


Slide 20

You can thank him too by sharing his incredible story today!

[Text on Screen]


Slide 21

Share, Follow, Like, Daniel's Music on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. 

[Slide includes an image of Daniel’s Music Foundation’s logo and reads:] 


Instagram DMFMusic (link is external)

Facebook Daniel’s Music Foundation (link is external)

Twitter DanielsMusicFdn (link is external)

Slide 22

If you enjoyed this episode of DMF KeyNotes and want to see more, please subscribe to Daniel's Music's YouTube Channel.

[Text on Screen]

Slide 23

[A final slide includes an image of Daniel’s Music Foundation’s logo and website address:]


DMF Instagram:

DMF Facebook:

DMF Twitter: 

DMF YouTube: 

DMF website:

Photo Credits (in order):

  • 4th Slide - Sketch of Albert Einstein: Jasemine Jessica Dong - ArtPal 

  • 5th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Getty Images

  • 8th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Wikimedia Commons/Getty Images

  • 9th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: History Today

  • 11th Slide (left) - Photo of Albert Einstein: Getty Images

  • 11th Slide (right) - Photo of Albert Einstein: Princeton University Press

  • 14th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Lincoln University

  • 15th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Wikimedia Commons

  • 16th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Britannica/Getty Images

  • 18th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Getty Images

  • 19th Slide - Photo of Albert Einstein: Encyclopedia Britannica