Video published by Daniel’s Music Foundation here on YouTube (link is external)
Common Chords March 2021:
Featuring Dina Fanai and Robbie Harte (Friday, March 26, 2021)
[Image – Daniel’s Music Foundation logo. The DMF logo is made up of an arch (half circle) comprised of a music staff, with a treble cleft in the middle, and three musical notes on either side.]
ANNOUNCER: Daniel's Music Foundation.
[Image of the show’s logo “DMF common chords” with the tagline “BRINGING MUSICIANS TOGETHER” in black text on a bright magenta pink background, with three black-colored heart shapes interspersed on three horizontal black lines.]
JULIANA: DMF Common Chords.
[Image – Excerpt video of Iain Forrest aka “Eyeglasses,” who was featured in the third episode of DMF Common Chords, playing a cello. A white DMF logo appears on the top right corner throughout the show.]
JULIANA: A series that pairs musicians…
[Image – The DMF logo in white appears at the top right corner of the screen with the DMF common chords logo in a light pink color on a dark pink background. Video of Andrew Bambridge is on the top left of the screen, video of Iain Forrest is on the top right of the screen, and a video of host Juliana is at the bottom center of the screen. Andrew is musician with brown hair, wearing headphones on his head and dressed in a black round-collar T-shirt, seated in front of a marimba (a large percussion instrument made up of a set of wooden bars—similar to a xylophone—with resonators/pipes suspended underneath the bars to amplify their sound). Iain is a musician with black hair, wearing black eyeglasses and a dark purple button-down shirt, with white wireless earbuds in his ears. The words “Andrew Bambridge ~ YT: Andrew Bambridge” appear in white text in a black box at the bottom of Andrew’s screen. The words “Iain Forrest ~ SM: @Eyeglasses.StringMusic” appear in white text in a black box at the bottom of Iain’s screen. The name “Juliana” appears in white text in a black rectangle with a vertical yellow bar to its left at the bottom left corner of her screen.]
JULIANA: …from diverse backgrounds
[Image – Short video of Andrew Bambridge playing the marimba]
JULIANA: …to share their musical gifts with all.
[Image – Excerpt of a music video featuring singer Danielle Hollobaugh, an artist featured in the second episode of DMF Common Chords. Danielle is wearing silver sunglasses and a red dress in the music video. A white DMF logo appears on the top right corner of the screen.]
JULIANA: We'll introduce you to new artists…
[Image – Excerpt video of David Swanson, also known as “The Imperial Stormlooper,” featured artist in the second episode of DMF Common Chords, performing and adjusting knobs on the audio equipment on a table in front of him. The DMF white logo appears on the top right corner of the screen.]
JULIANA: …and use the power of music to build a bridge…
[Image – Excerpt video of both Danielle Hollobaugh and David Swanson on screen together for an interview. Danielle is on the left side of the screen, and David is on the right side. The words “Danielle Hollobaugh ~ IG: @daniellehmusic” appear in black text in a yellow box at the bottom of Danielle’s screen. The words “The Imperial Stormlooper ~ IG: @Stormlooper” appear in black text in a yellow box at the bottom of David’s screen.]
JULIANA: … between musicians of all abilities.
[Image – DMF common chords logo with the tagline “BRINGING MUSICIANS TOGETHER”]
[Image – Host Juliana is sitting down in her “Studio” with an organ behind her. A potted plant sits on the top right of the organ, and a square sign with the DMF common chords logo sits on the top left. Juliana has long dark hair, and she is wearing a black long-sleeved shirt. The name “Juliana” appears in white text in a black rectangle with a vertical yellow bar to its left at the bottom left corner of the screen whenever the host is shown in her studio.]
JULIANA: Hello and welcome back to DMF Common Chords. I'm your host, Juliana. On this episode, we will hear from two brand new amazing artists, Dina Fanai and Robbie Harte.
[Image – The DMF logo in white appears at the top right corner of the screen with the DMF common chords logo in a light pink color on a pink background. Video of host Juliana is on the top left of the screen, video of Robbie Harte is on the top right of the screen, and a video of Dina Fanai is at the bottom center of the screen. Robbie is a singer with medium-length brown hair, dressed in a white sleeveless top with dangly earrings, seated on a beige-colored couch with two tapestries hung on the walls behind her. The words “Robbie Harte - IG: @robbieharteofficial” appear in white text in a black box at the bottom of Robbie’s screen. Dina is a singer with long dark brown hair, wearing a black long-sleeved top with pink embroidered flowers and four necklaces of various lengths, seated next to a grand piano with a brick fireplace behind her; a small gold clock with a pendulum sits on top of the fireplace mantle. The words “Dina Fanai - IG: @avalonamusic” appear in white text in a black box at the bottom of Dina’s screen. Videos of the host and both artists are visible on the screen at the same time during the group interviews. When each artist is interviewed separately, the videos are of the host and each artist, respectively.]
JULIANA: Hello, Dina and Robbie. How are you, ladies?
DINA: Juliana, I'm so excited to be here today.
JULIANA: Me, too. I am so glad you are here.
ROBBIE: Hi, thank you so much for having me here today.
JULIANA: Absolutely, Robbie. Thank you for being here. I am so excited for everyone to hear your music. Let's get started with a little background on our first brilliant artist.
[Image – Excerpt of multiple music videos, with Dina singing and performing outdoors, indoors, and on stage: (1) Dina singing next to a lake in the woods; (2) Multi-colored lights emitting from a large crystal and shining on Dina; (3) Dina adjusting the hands of an antique gold clock, with her reflection on a mirror behind the clock; (4) Dina singing if front of shiny blue curtains, followed by images of a smiling girl, smiling woman, elderly woman and teenage girl with glasses; (5) Dina singing behind a glass window with drops of water and lightning reflecting off the glass; (6) Black & white video of two women dancing on stage, one dressed in white and the other dressed in black, followed by video of dancer in white.]
JULIANA: Dina Fanai is an award-winning recording artist, songwriter, and producer. Dina has performed with, produced, arranged, and written for a number of artists including Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Foreigner, Jackie Evancho, and Rocktopia on Broadway. She has been the recipient of numerous grants and awards from the Songwriters Hall of Fame and National Endowment for the Arts as well as leading tours and educational programs in the US and Southeast Asia.
[Image – Excerpt of multiple music videos of Dina singing: (1) One large image of Dina in the center of the screen covering her face with both hands, with three small images of Dina wearing black stacked on the left side of the screen facing right towards the large image in the center, and three small images of Dina wearing white stacked on the right side facing left towards the center; (2) Images of seven different people posing with the word “LOVE” on a sculpture, T-shirt and signs; (3) Dina singing in front of a brick fireplace surrounded by candles; (4) Dina walking in the woods; (5) Silhouette of Dina in front of a smoky background; (6) Image of Dina holding her open palms towards the camera, a dark purple and teal background with white dots throughout, and the words “YOU’VE GOT THE WORLD YOU’VE GOT THE WORLD” in white letters superimposed over the image, followed by the words “YOU’VE GOT THE WORLD AT YOUR FINGERTIPS,” while a white light moves along the perimeter of a square shape spins slowly towards the center of the screen and then disappears.]
JULIANA: Her newest project, Avalona, An Immersive Musical is in preproduction scheduled to be launched in fall 2021. Through her company, One Vision Music and brand new platform, Power of Music Global, she continues to produce concerts and recordings supporting a wide variety of causes including people with disabilities, women's empowerment and equality, LGBT, homeless children, climate change, and animal rights.
[Image – Juliana and Dina on screen for the interview]
JULIANA: Dina, I've known you for several years but some of our audience may not. Can you tell us a little bit about the role that music plays in your life?
DINA: Music is not just what I do. It's who I am. It's how I communicate. It's how I breathe. It's how I love. It's how I hurt. It's how I heal. It's how I touch others. And it's how I allow others to influence me. So it's really much more than kind of what I do. It's who I am.
JULIANA: Wow. It sounds like you really have a life devoted to music. Were there any specific events or circumstances that led you to that?
DINA: When I was young, for most of my childhood, for all of my childhood, I was a ballet dancer, and from two to 18. So that was kind of my-- from two years old, I was going to be a professional ballet dancer. But I was always singing. I was always—
[Image – Words in white text in a horizontal black bar scroll several times throughout the show from the right to the left at the very bottom of the screen: “Follow Daniel’s Music Foundation on Social Media: Facebook: @DanielsMusicFoundation - Instagram: @dmfmusic - Twitter: @DanielsMusicFdn - YouTube: Daniel’s Music Foundation”]
DINA: I wasn't composing, but I was always singing. My father was a musician and a singer, so it was a huge part of my life. But I never considered being a singer songwriter.
DINA: But I ended up becoming very ill and really had, quite literally, a choice to live or die at one point. And music brought me back from that. And since then, not only was I able to use music to heal… and to really live again, is when I was able to truly embody everything that music is.
DINA: And it became a purpose. And it became a vision where I knew I wanted to devote my life to using music to make a difference in the world and create positive change through music. And that's really been who I am since then and what I've done and how I walk this earth.
JULIANA: That is such an amazing and powerful story. Thank you for sharing that with us. What are you currently working on?
DINA: I am currently working on a project called Avalona, which is an immersive musical and actually based on the story of my journey of having to go through this incredibly challenging time and this crossroads of having to choose to live consciously and learn how to live again and love again. Instead of trying to put out music-- which I've been doing for so long, putting up record after record, and song after song.
DINA: I felt like I needed to bring all of the music that I've been working on under one world which is this journey that I experienced and share that world with others. So it could actually touch others and allow them to have their own experience of having those questions. I think everybody goes through-- we all go through different experiences, but we all have such universal issues that we deal with, belonging-- what keeps us from our dreams.
DINA: What keeps us from being who we are. How do we stand in our light and support each other and shine that light for each other. So I think-- so this immersive musical that I've been working on is all about that. And we've been in preproduction for two years. And we are planning on launching this fall in our very-- in our hybrid version of it. But I'm so excited about it. And since we've been working on it, what I've been doing all year is releasing one song from this immersive musical every six to eight weeks.
DINA: So, I've been putting that out. And all the songs are about rising through adversity and shining the light for each other and stepping into your purpose. So that's kind of what I've been working on, and it's so meaningful. It is not a piece of entertainment but more of a vision and a mission.
JULIANA: That is so fantastic, and it really resonates with me. I have to ask, what was the inspiration for the name Avalona?
DINA: So, the mythical world and the mystical world of Avalon through the legend of Camelot and the Arthurian legend is this place of magic and courage and transformation. And what I wanted to do-- it's not about that story, but I wanted to use that-- I wanted to use the world of Avalon as a metaphor for this beautiful world that we can create of magic and courage and transformation, and light and the feminine energy. And so that's kind of-- it was a name and a metaphor for the world I wanted to create.
JULIANA: I love it. That is absolutely beautiful. Also, I was wondering how has the last year of challenges affected you and your music?
DINA: I think-- obviously, it's been incredibly challenging time for everyone for the world. But it's also been a beautiful time of opportunity to sit with-- for me as an artist to sit with myself and slow down and to connect to the things that matter to me, to hear my voice more instead of running around and constantly needing to do things.
DINA: And really giving me a time to just slow down and look at the things that are most important to me, what I want to create, what I want to do, being with the people that I love. What's priorities.
JULIANA: You know, I couldn't agree with you more. Absolutely. I mean, you literally very well put. How did you come up with the songs that you're going to perform for us?
DINA: So, these two songs are songs that are very, very special to me. The first song is a song called “Legends.” And it's a song that, for me, truly embodies-- I think, on the biggest scale-- everything I believe in. So that's kind of been my theme song as an artist. So I wanted to share that one. And then the second song is a song called “No Wasted Time.”
DINA: And that song is incredibly precious to me. It was a song I wrote for my father and who passed recently, which was very, very difficult. But, one beautiful thing that we talked about is kind of at the end of your life, looking back, how would it be if you could like honor all of that-- you could honor everything that you've been through. And it's kind of everything that brought you to where you are now. So it's kind of-- so those were kind of two songs that I really wanted to share.
DINA: And also, “No Wasted Time,” as you see, there's a clock behind me. There's clocks all over my house. My father after being a singer, which I mentioned, was an antique clock dealer and repair person and clock maker. So, clocks and time were not only symbolic. They were incredibly literal. So that I thought those two songs would be a really beautiful way to share, kind of a message that I wanted to put out today.
JULIANA: That is so wonderful, and I absolutely adore legends. And I feel like “No Wasted Time” what-- I mean, there couldn't be a better time to sing this song. Now I also know that you have someone accompanying you while you're going to be performing.
DINA: That's my beautiful partner in life and music, Bob Kinkel, is going to be playing the piano.
JULIANA: That's excellent. Well, I'm going to give you a second to go get in position.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: And I just want to let everyone know. I have had the opportunity to witness Dina perform live in the past. And, you are in for a real treat.
[Image – Dina is standing behind a microphone, with Bob positioned at a keyboard behind Dina in their music studio. Framed artwork, records and an antique wooden clock are displayed on a wall behind them. Another small gold clock sits atop the grand piano behind Dina.]
DINA: I believe we each have a journey, a voice, a vision, and a sacred story that deserves to be told. This song is “Legends.”
[Image – The words “Dina Fanai - “Legends”” in white letters inside a black rectangle appear on the bottom left of the screen]
DINA: (SINGING) As the bell tolls for dreams unclear. Through the mist there's a voice we hear. Calling out from the places we've been and places still yet to come. It's the flight of an innocent man.
[Image – Words in white text in a horizontal black bar scroll from the right to the left at the very bottom of the screen several times throughout Dina’s performance: “Dina Fanai - IG: @avalonamusic is performing for DMF Common Chords. For more episodes visit our YouTube channel: Daniel’s Music Foundation”]
DINA: (SINGING, ACCOMPANIED BY BOB) We are legends with journeys great and small. We are legends. Pray our stories will live on. There are legends. Oh.
DINA: (SINGING) So many battles far and wide. The bravest war is the one inside. But we're safe in the longing arms of beyond. Carry us gentle and strong. It's the flight of an innocent man.
DINA: (SINGING, ACCOMPANIED BY BOB) We are legends with journeys great and small. We are legends. Pray our stories will live on. There are legends. Oh.
[Image – A black rectangle with the words “Dina Fanai - IG:@avalonamusic” in white letters appears on the bottom left of the screen]
DINA: (SINGING, ACCOMPANIED BY BOB) We are stargazers, we are moon bathers, we are our ancestors, we are children once again. We are stargazers, we are moon bathers, we are our ancestors, we are children once again. And the voice we must hear is our own on a journey of million lifetimes home.
DINA: (SINGING, ACCOMPANIED BY BOB) Don't let go. We are legends. Legends. They are legends of Earth and sky. They are legends where we can fly.
[Image – Words in white text in a horizontal black bar scroll from the right to the left at the very bottom of the screen: “Follow Daniel’s Music Foundation on Social Media: Facebook: @DanielsMusicFoundation - Instagram: @dmfmusic - Twitter: @DanielsMusicFdn - YouTube: Daniel’s Music Foundation”]
DINA: (SINGING) There are legends of our own. In a legend I am home. We are legends. Legends.
DINA: So this next song-- it's a song about looking back on your life and honoring every single moment that brought you here. And how wonderful would it be if we could realize it while it was happening. The song is called “No Wasted Time.”
[Image – The words “Dina Fanai - “No Wasted Time”” in white letters inside a black rectangle appear on the bottom left of the screen]
DINA: (SINGING) Looking out of the window now I think of long ago. Remembering your first bee sting. The sky is bigger then. Tick tock, tick tock. The years keep moving on.
DINA: (SINGING) Tick tock, tick tock. May have done a few things wrong. Tick tock tick tock. Only wished that I had known to cherish every step along this crazy winding road. Every moment together there's no wasted love. Every day till forever there's no wasted tears.
DINA: (SINGING) Every story, each page, every line. I now know there's no wasted time. Looking down from a higher ground, I've got a clearer view. The second hand moves on and on.
DINA: (SINGING) And I'm still searching for the truth. Tick tock, tick tock. It all goes by so fast. Tick tock, tick tock. Only wish that this could last. Tick tock, tick tock. So I'm staying wide awake. Let me cherish with every step with you and learn from each mistake.
DINA: (SINGING) Every moment together there's no wasted love. Every day till forever there's no wasted tears. Every story, each page, every line. I now know there's no wasted time. I now know there's no wasted tick tock, tick tock. I'll be a better friend.
DINA: (SINGING) Tick tock, tick tock. I am scared for this to end. Tick tock, tick tock. So my eyes are open wide. Then we never lose that side again of that bigger sky. Never lose that bigger sky. Every moment together There's no wasted love.
DINA: (SINGING) Every day till forever there's no wasted tears. Every story, each page, every line. I now know there's no wasted time. I now know there's no wasted time. From now on there's no wasted time.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: Dina, that performance was stunning. I'm always amazed at how your music can be so ethereal and yet so grounded at the same time.
[Image – Juliana and Dina on screen for the interview]
JULIANA: It's really lovely.
DINA: Thank you so much. Once again, being able to share my music and being able to touch someone and hearing the way it affected you means so much to me. So, thank you.
JULIANA: Oh, thank you. It really, really absolutely brilliant. And now for a little background on our second fantastic artist.
[Image – Short video of Robbie singing in a recording studio]
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I know you haven't made your mind--
JULIANA: Robbie Harte is a New York-based singer songwriter originally from Montreal, Canada. Her unique style is described by fans as…
[Image – Short videos of Robbie singing in various indoor settings: (1) Robbie singing in front of a white background; (2) Robbie singing in front of a brick fireplace during Christmastime; (3) Robbie wearing headphones singing into a microphone; (4) Robbie standing in front of a white wall and singing into a microphone; (5) Excerpt of Robbie Harte’s music video “HOME IS WHEREVER YOU ARE” with an overhead shot of a car driving on a snowy road flanked by tall pine trees covered in snow, followed by scenes from a home video of a family celebrating the holidays together.]
JULIANA: …compelling, inspirational, and powerful. As a young girl, Robbie always dreamed of being a professional singer. But that dream was put on hold 12 years ago after a life-changing injury left her in chronic pain, resulting in the loss of her ability to sing.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Sent to rescue me.
JULIANA: Ultimately however, it was music that helped her heal the most. She credits music for soothing her soul and giving her the strength and determination to push through even during the most difficult times.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Let me come along.
JULIANA: It was music that gave Robbie a voice which she's now determined to use to uplift and inspire.
[Image – Excerpt of Robbie’s music video “HOME IS WHEREVER YOU ARE”]
JULIANA: She recently released her highly-acclaimed Holiday single, "Home is Wherever You Are" and her debut EP, "I of the Storm," is now out everywhere.
[Image – Juliana and Robbie on screen for the interview]
JULIANA: Dina was speaking about how the challenges over the last year really affected her music. Do you find that rings true for you as well?
ROBBIE: There is no doubt that 2020 had an incredible impact on my music, but overall, it was for the good. It was a very empowering year for me. And it's really a year where I really came into my own, musically. And I'm so grateful for having that experience. 2020 started out on a good roll, let's just say. I was in the process of doing an EP. I was on the last song, let's just say, from my EP that was coming out in April.
ROBBIE: I was halfway done the last song, and COVID hit and the studio shut down. And my project was put on hold indefinitely. So, everything I had been working toward for the last several months was sitting there unfinished. And I didn't know when I'd be able to deliver that. It was a very disappointing time. But, putting everything in perspective, obviously, it's not really a huge deal with everything else that was going on in the world.
ROBBIE: Maybe a month or so later, I decided I was going to release one of those singles. One of those songs as a single. It was the song “One Heart.” It was meant to be on my EP. But I felt with everything going on with COVID and the world being in the state that it was in, a lot of people could benefit from that message. So, I decided to release it as a single, and I am so happy I did.
ROBBIE: I got tremendous feedback from that song. And so many people were able to relate to that, and it uplifted so many. And that's why I write music and I share my music is to share my songs and my stories, hoping that it will inspire and uplift other people. So, my project was still on hold. And in about May, I began working with the music career coach. I was really looking to take my music to the next level from a hobby to a career.
ROBBIE: And the first song I brought to her was a song called “Set Me Free.” It was, by far, the most personal song I've ever written and shared in my entire life. It was a very vulnerable song. And while she felt that it was a beautiful song, she felt that it could be written from a different point of view. And she thought that it should come from the point of view of empowerment.
ROBBIE: And so working to learn how to do that, I learned that you can write a song from a different point of view. And I rewrote that song. And it went from being called “Set Me Free” to “You Don't Belong Here.” So as you can tell just by the song title alone, I took back my power, and it gave me back my voice. And it was an incredible feeling. It was liberating, and it was empowering. And it was something that I took with me, a message I took with me and applied to every other song I wrote thereafter.
ROBBIE: In fact, I went back to the drawing board and rewrote many of the songs that were going to be on my original EP. But I wrote them now from a different point of view. And once again, of empowerment and strength.
JULIANA: That is so awesome.
ROBBIE: Thank you. And, it's incredible because I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar. And because of my physical issues, I can never play guitar. Couldn't even fold my arm like this to hold a guitar. And I just started taking guitar lessons. And I'm learning to play guitar and piano. And I'm learning to do things I never thought I'd be able to do.
ROBBIE: So even though 2020 has been such a difficult year for so many, and there's so much that was unpleasant about 2020, it really was a chance for me to grow as a person on a very personal level and push myself to the limits I never thought I'd be able to do.
JULIANA: Well, that's phenomenal. And congratulations on learning the guitar and piano.
ROBBIE: Thank you.
JULIANA: Is this the first time that music has pulled you through difficult situations or circumstances?
ROBBIE: No, music has always been there for me to lift me up from difficult situations. For me to celebrate my joys in life for the ups and downs, really to sing my way through life. In fact, music was always my life. But unfortunately, 12 and a half years ago, I was badly injured while I was pregnant with my daughter. And as a result of my injury and pain, I just wasn't able to sing anymore. This was like the most difficult time of my life where I was in terrible pain, excruciating pain.
ROBBIE: And I couldn't express myself. I couldn't sing my way through it for the first time in my life. And I felt very-- I didn't recognize the person that I was. Just for the first time in my life, I really felt like I lost my voice. And I had just moved to a new country, and I didn't have any friends or family around for support. And I just didn't have the means to express myself. And it was just such a difficult time. And no matter how badly I wanted to sing, I just couldn't.
ROBBIE: And this went on for some years. And it wasn't until a few years ago that my daughter really inspired me to go out there and chase my dream to sing no matter how difficult it was, no matter what obstacles were in front of me. And that's when I made the decision to go and pursue my dream to sing above everything.
JULIANA: And it sounds like your connection with your daughter really ignited-- reignited your passion as an artist.
ROBBIE: It did. She inspires me every single day. And she pushes me and fuels me. And I feel so grateful, first of all, to be her mom. I can't even tell you how proud I am, incredibly proud I am. So my daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 2 and a half years old. She is the most beautiful and bright and loving and amazing child. And she literally lights up every room she walks into. She truly makes the world a better place. And I am not just saying that.
ROBBIE: Yes, [INAUDIBLE] saying exactly that. But no, it's true. She really does. She always tries to make people's lives better, and she's just a great kid. And when she was about seven, six and a half to seven, we sat her down. We explained to her she had autism. And we said, you know, you have autism, but it will never stop you from doing all of the things you want to do in life. You can do anything. You have talent. You have amazing abilities.
ROBBIE: Some things might be harder for you just because they are harder for you, you have autism. But you can do anything. And you can be anything, and the world is yours. But as I was saying these words, I was literally at home on the couch in pain. And I wasn't following through on my dreams because it was really painful for me. And it was hard for me, and I had lost my ability to sing. And I realized as I'm saying these words to my daughter, your disability isn't going to stop you.
ROBBIE: You're not going to be judged because you have a disability. You can still be anything. And here I am, literally on the couch in pain, going I can't be a singer. Look at me. I realize the only way I was ever going to be able to show her was if I got up and did it myself. And I had to push myself. And she fueled my desire to get out there and sing, because I wanted to be the best possible role model for her. And she really, really-- it gave me a push.
ROBBIE: And it was incredible because it catapulted my whole journey of becoming who I really am, which is Robbie, the singer, and really not being afraid of anything anymore.
JULIANA: That is such an outstanding story. Thank you so much--
ROBBIE: Thank you.
JULIANA: --for sharing that with us.
ROBBIE: Thank you. And I just want to say, really quickly, you just touched on it. We share it together. It's something we're both going through at the same time. And we're each other's cheerleaders. We're both out there doing something that's extremely difficult for us, but we were cheering each other on. And it's the best bond that we have right now. And I'm so proud of it. So happy to have it, going and experiencing this with her.
JULIANA: That's absolutely brilliant. I'm so happy to hear that. And I am really excited for everyone to get an opportunity to hear your music.
ROBBIE: Thank you.
JULIANA: Can you tell us how you selected the songs that you're going to perform for us?
ROBBIE: Yes. So I would love to. Thank you, first of all, for having me perform these songs for you guys. I'm so excited to be here. The first song I'm performing is called “I of the Storm.” It's the title track of my debut EP as I mentioned earlier. And the “I of the Storm” is about being fierce and powerful. And when I first started coming around and getting out of the house and whatnot, people would look at me sideways. Here's this young woman with a cane and having trouble walking and doing things.
ROBBIE: And people would look at me sideways and literally feel pity for me. And I was like, don't pity me. You don't know what I can do. I am literally a hurricane unleashed. Like, I don't know if you got the memo, but I am fierce. And don't feel bad for me, just because I'm hobbling around with my cane or doing whatever. It's harder for me to do things. Don't feel bad for me.
ROBBIE: And at the end of it all, there's this huge storm blowing. And you know what? I'm being unaffected because I'm the eye of the storm. And it's just a fierce and powerful song and about being fierce and powerful but being misjudged and underestimated. And I was very excited to be able to share this song with you guys here today.
JULIANA: That's wonderful.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: I have had the distinct pleasure of experiencing Robbie perform live in the past, and I think you're really going to enjoy this.
[Image – Robbie standing in front of a microphone, with framed paintings and a tapestry on the walls behind her]
ROBBIE: This is “I of the Storm.”
[Image – The words “Robbie Harte - “I of the Storm”” in white letters inside a black rectangle appear on the bottom left of the screen]
ROBBIE: (SINGING) The day I came to town there were whispers everywhere. How about we meet with these sideways glances. Couldn't hold back the space. Don't make me get my head out. So it should please be aware. Close the window's been down for hatches. Better willing to give. I know I'm in the sweep, but beware of what's beneath. I'm not what you think.
[Image – Words in white text in a horizontal black bar scroll from the right to the left at the very bottom of the screen several times throughout Robbie’s performance: Robbie Harte - IG: @robbieharteofficial is performing for DMF Common Chords. For more episodes visit our YouTube channel: Daniel’s Music Foundation]
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I am fierce. I am strong. You don't want to do me wrong. If I'm quiet don't be calm. I'm the dark before your dawn. Yes, you're breathing it everywhere. And it's twirling in the air. Feel the wind in your hair. Honey, you ain't got a prayer. Cool, unaffected, or [INAUDIBLE] protected. I am the eye of the storm.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) The hurricane in bliss. I ain't just a pretty face. The force of nature you could take your chances. You know I live for the chase. Turn on the 6 o'clock news. The sky is starry and blue. The way that they can't even see me coming. Something's starting to brew. Heat is starting to rise. Watch as I energize. I electrify.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I am fierce. I am strong. You don't want to do me wrong. If I'm quiet don't be calm. I'm the dark before your dawn. Yes, you're breathing it everywhere. And it's twirling in the air. Feel the wind in your hair. Honey, you ain't got a prayer. Cool unaffected. Or [INAUDIBLE] protected. I am the eye of the storm.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) There with your friends. Don't come to me for cover. I'm rocking out your power. [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah. Oh. Run for cover. Run for cover. Run.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I think fierce. I am strong. You don't want to do me wrong. If I'm quiet don't be calm. I'm the dark before your dawn. Yes, you're breathing it everywhere. And it's twirling in the air. Feel the wind in your hair. Honey, you ain't got a prayer.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I am fierce. I am strong. You don't want to do me wrong. If I'm quiet don't be calm. Cause I'm the dark before the dawn. Yes, you're breathing it everywhere. And it's twirling in the air. Feel the wind in your hair. Honey, you ain't got a prayer. I'm walking be contradiction. Defying your prediction. I am the eye of the storm. I am the eye of the storm. I am the eye of the storm. I am the eye of the storm. Hmm.
ROBBIE: This next song is called “Out of the Blue.”
[Image – The words “Robbie Harte - “Out of the Blue”” in white letters inside a black rectangle appear on the bottom left of the screen]
ROBBIE: (SINGING) 6:00 AM on an autumn day in a little cafe a million miles away I was in a haze when he caught my gaze. My head in the clouds writing a story when he smiled at me I could've sworn. He jumped right out of page and into my life.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Golden tan, sandy hair. I felt some magic in the salty air. That wasn't where I was supposed to be. My bags were checked. My flight was gonna leave. But I took a chance. I rolled the dice. I traded Paris in for Paradise.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I skipped the city of lights for a little island life. Traded my red beret for a sunny, sunny day. Au revoir to Bonjour and hello to Aloha. Not looking for love here. But, hey, nice to know yah. Out of the blue, a dream I didn't know I had came true.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Just as sure as the setting sun there was love on the horizon over cocktails straight with a twist of fate. He was telling me a story. I laughed out loud even before he made to the end. Already all in. Eyes locking mesmerized. We stayed up talking until the sunrise.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Him and me and serendipity. The orange sky, the deep blue sea. The breezy days and the hottest nights. Glad I traded Paris in for paradise.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I skipped the city of lights for a little island life. Traded my red beret for a sunny, sunny day. Au revoir to Bonjour and hello to Aloha. Not looking for love here. But, hey, nice to know yah. Out of the blue, a dream I didn't know I had came true.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Funny how a moment can make your whole life when you're open to a change of state and of mind. A woman's intuition, split-second decision. Making all the stars align. Oh. Oh. Yeah.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) I skipped the city of lights for a little island life. Traded my red beret for a sunny day. Au revoir to Bonjour and hello to Aloha. Not looking for love here. But, hey, nice to know yah. Out of the blue, a dream I didn't know I had came true. And out of the blue, a dream I didn't know I had came true. Out of the blue. Oh.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: Robbie, that was such a remarkable performance. There's something about your music that just makes me want to lean in and listen to what you have to say.
[Image – Juliana and Robbie on screen for the interview]
ROBBIE: Thank you so much. I'm so glad my music resonates with you.
JULIANA: Oh, absolutely, big time. Big time. I'm going to go ahead and bring Dina back up so that our audience can get to know…
[Image – Juliana, Robbie and Dina on screen for the interview. A small white dog, names Kaya, is sitting in Dina’s lap.]
JULIANA: …you guys just a little bit better.
JULIANA: I want to thank both of you for everything that you've done for DMF, not just today, but the time and the energy that you've given to the foundation over the years. Can you tell us a little bit about what keeps you coming back?
DINA: Oh, my god. What keeps me-- what doesn't keep me coming back? I mean, I've been working with DMF the foundation, Daniel, Ken, the family, you, Carla. I mean, for probably over-- close to nine years, over nine years for a long time. And I've truly never met a group of people that have so much light and consciousness and wisdom and strength. I mean, Daniel's my hero. I think-- I mean, Daniel and I joke about it all the time.
DINA: But I mean, I can't really think of one person that I-- I don't know-- love more and inspires me more than Daniel does and what-- the rest of the family. I've been so, kind of, I'm feel so close to them. And we've done so much together, and they just embody everything I believe in. They believe-- they embody the power of music, and they're examples.
DINA: I mean, you all are. And I'm just so thankful that I'm part of this community. Once again, it embodies everything I believe in. And I'm so excited for more people to learn about it, and I'm honored. I'm honored to be here.
JULIANA: Well, we're so grateful to have you in our community, Dina. You're such a wonderful light and a wonderful presence. And how about you, Robbie?
ROBBIE: Well, I was first introduced to DMF through the Danny Awards a couple of years ago. And I quickly became a huge fan. I love that Daniel’s Music Foundation gives artists, like myself, with a disability, an opportunity to showcase their talent and their abilities not their disabilities. And it makes me very proud just to be part of this. As a parent of a child with a disability, I am so proud to see that you give children an opportunity to have empowerment for music.
ROBBIE: And you reach and empower them. And that's a gift that is so amazing that you're giving to them. The benefit and the reach goes far beyond the child, really. The parent gets to see the child happy, and it improves relationships with the parents and grandparents and even as far as the community. And, really, what you're doing is incredible. And I certainly commend you guys for what you're doing right now. How you're staying active and present through social media, reaching these kids who really need the help right now, more than ever.
ROBBIE: And you're finding ways to stay in touch with them and keep them connected through music. And what you're doing is an incredible thing. And I'm just so grateful to be a part of this. And I have to also just say on a personal level, whenever I open my Instagram feed or my Facebook feed and you guys pop up, you always brighten my day. And I always leave inspired.
JULIANA: Oh, well, ladies, thank you so much for your kind words. It really means a lot. On behalf of Daniel's Music Foundation, we really appreciate it. I want to give our audience an opportunity to hear you guys both perform again. Would that be OK with you?
DINA: Absolutely! Unfortunately, Kaya is not going to be able to be part of the performance. But--
JULIANA: (LAUGHING) No problem. Well, Kaya, I'm glad you got to be part of the interview. She's such a sweet little puppy. So Dina, what are you going to sing for us?
DINA: So, this next song is a song called “I'll Be There For You.” And it's a song I wrote-- it was the last song I wrote before my dad passed away. And it's really a song about being there for each other which is what made this time has all told us, how important that is. And at the end of his life, he said to me-- it was one of the last things he ever said to me. He said, “Baby doll, isn't it so crazy that you don't realize it's all about love. And love is all there is.” So that's what this song is about.
JULIANA: That's excellent. I can't wait to hear it. And what about you, Robbie?
ROBBIE: Going to sing “Home is Wherever You Are.” And I wrote this song a few months before the holidays. Like everybody, I was anticipating the upcoming holidays and wondering how it was going to feel. My family all lives in Canada, and we haven't been able to see each other and right now, over a year. Really, not being able to make those memories and those connections with people we love especially during the holidays. And I knew that if I was feeling this that other people were too.
ROBBIE: So I wrote this song called “Home is Wherever You Are.” And it's a song basically about missing the people that you love, any time, but especially the holidays. And missing making those new connections and making memories, and looking forward to seeing each other again and being together again. Now--
JULIANA: Excellent well--
ROBBIE: --if you want. Sorry.
JULIANA: Go ahead. No, no. Go ahead.
ROBBIE: And if you want-- if you look at the video that's available on YouTube, you'll even see a cameo, from the Trush family, in the video.
JULIANA: Oh, that's awesome. I will definitely be looking at that after this episode. So, ladies--
DINA: They did a cameo in one of my songs, too. See?
JULIANA: Oh, that's phenomenal. I love-- the Trushes are just so camera-ready. I love it. They're just made for the camera. All right, ladies, I'm going to give you an opportunity to go get in position.
ROBBIE: Thank you.
DINA: All right.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: And then, after both of these ladies have a chance to perform again, we're actually going to bring them up on screen. And they're going to have an opportunity to comment on each other's work.
[Image – Dina and Bob in their music studio, getting ready to perform their next song]
[Image – The words “Dina Fanai - “I’ll Be There For You”” in white letters inside a black rectangle appear on the bottom left of the screen]
DINA: (SINGING) More precious than gold. So precious to know only love is forever. More precious to find the way you remind me. Only love is forever. You always held me up, high enough to see. So now I'm here for you in every breath you breathe. And I'll be there for you. I'll be there for you.
DINA: (SINGING) More precious than all the things that I thought needed. Love is forever. More precious to hold the one thing that can go old cause love is forever. And in each memory I've carved with you in time. There is a golden thread that you can always find.
DINA: (SINGING) And I'll be there for you. I'll be there for you. I'll be there for you. And I'll be there for you. Cause the more that we give, the more that we get. Keep filling it up. Keep filling it up. And when our heart breaks it's opening up. Keep filling it up, keep filling it up.
DINA: (SINGING) Let's give up the treasures weighing us down. Keep filling it up, keep filling it up. Only one thing lives inside that can never die. But I'll be there for you. I'll be there for you.
DINA: (SINGING) I'll be there for you. And I'll be there for you. And I'll be there for you. And I'll be there for you.
[Image – Robbie standing behind a microphone, ready to perform her next song]
[Image – The words “Robbie Harte - “Home Is Wherever You Are”” in white letters inside a black rectangle appear on the bottom left of the screen]
ROBBIE: (SINGING) On my way to you last night swear I hit every red light. Had a full tank of gas. But it got me nowhere fast. Can't believe I went all that way only to be turned away. The roads had all been closed. I tried to stay composed. But the streets were bare. And no one would care if I pulled over to the shoulder and cried.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) The smell of Sunday suppers. The sound of crackling fires. The feeling of your hugs when I am overwhelmed and tired. The streetlamp may be broken, but the line is always on. Home is wherever you are.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Way back when I moved away you said we'd always find a way. You knew just what to do if I couldn't get to you. You packed up all my favorite things. Hit the road and came to me. But that's all in the past. I can't remember when I saw you last. These are fragile times, but a love like yours and mine will always shine through and stay strong.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) The smell of Sunday suppers. The sound of crackling fires. The feeling of your hugs when I am overwhelmed and tired. The streetlamp may be broken, but the light is always on. Home is wherever you are.
ROBBIE: (SINGING) Nothing makes this distance any easier. I just want to hold onto you tight. Even though I call you every day and night. It's not like being in the shadow of your light. The streetlamp may be broken, but the line is always on. Home is wherever--
ROBBIE: (SINGING) The smell of Sunday suppers, the sound of crackling fires. The feeling of your hugs when I am overwhelmed and tired. The door is always open, and the light is always on. Home is wherever-- home is wherever-- home is wherever you are.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: Ladies, thank you so much for sharing those beautiful pieces with us. Now it's time for my favorite part of the episode. We're going to bring up both artists, and we're going to allow them to comment on each other's work.
[Image – Juliana, Robbie and Dina on screen for the interview]
DINA: Robbie, this was…
[Image – Robbie and Dina on screen]
DINA: …such a gift to perform-- virtually perform with you today. I'm so inspired by you, your story, your music. You have such strength, and it comes through your songs, your voice. My god, what a powerful voice. And I just-- and your spirit. So I just-- I'm really a fan. I had the opportunity to be one of the judges on the Dannys, and I voted for you.
DINA: Like you always-- I am blown away by your performance on that. And I'm blown away by your performances today. And once again, I'm really excited to hopefully perform with you in real life one day. So once again, this was it-- this was a real treat for me.
ROBBIE: Thank you so much, Dina. It was so beautiful of you to say those incredible compliments about my music. I feel exactly the same way about you and your story and your music. In fact, your music read me at a soul level. And very few artists can actually do that. I felt every one of your notes. I literally felt connected to you when you were singing. And I felt the power and the strength in your voice. And you were commanding my attention.
[Image – Words in white text in a horizontal black bar scroll two times from the right to the left at the very bottom of the screen: “For more episodes of DMF Common Chords visit our YouTube channel: Daniel’s Music Foundation”]
ROBBIE: You were commanding-- literally you had me at a soul level. It was incredible. And I felt like I was being taken away somewhere beautiful and majestic. And keep sharing your light with everybody. The world needs more of your light. I really enjoyed watching you perform. And I do look forward to sharing the stage with you, in person.
[Image – Words in white text in a horizontal black bar scroll several times from the right to the left at the very bottom of the screen Visit our DMF On-Demand Channel at to check out our other Disability Awareness Series]
DINA: It'll happen.
ROBBIE: Sometime in the future-- I have no doubt. I think that we would make a great team. So thank you so much. It was wonderful to watch you. And I felt your presence even though we are separated by the internet and everything. I still felt every one of your notes. And I felt everything of your performance. Thank you so much for sharing that with the world. It's beautiful.
[Image – Juliana, Robbie and Dina on screen for the interview]
JULIANA: Thank you for sharing your musical gifts with us. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this time together. Dina, where can we hear more of your music?
DINA: So, you can hear all my music on Spotify, on YouTube, Apple, all of it. But you can either-- if you go to Instagram, I have-- you can go to my website,, A-V-A-L-O-N-A music dot com. And you can see everything, hear everything there. But I really am thankful for this opportunity to share my music. And I look forward to sharing my music with more people. So, thank you for this. And I actually do want to say, again, you've been asking us questions. But thank you so much for what you do. Like really, Juliana, I watched the work that you have done throughout the years. And I've watched you in the classes. I've watched you on stage. I watched you in the rooms with-- we've kind of known each other for a long time now. And I'm just thankful for you and everything that you do. And once again, thankful for DMF in so many levels.
JULIANA: Oh, Dina, thank you. I really appreciate your kind words. And I will definitely be checking out your website.
DINA: We're going to do another thing. Hopefully, I can't wait to be in a room with you again.
JULIANA: Oh, absolutely. The future is bright, my friends. Robbie, where can we hear more of your music?
ROBBIE: You could find my music on all the streaming platforms under Robbie Harte, available on YouTube as well. And you can check my Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, we’re all “Robbie Harte Official.” Or you can go to my website, for all things Robbie Harte where you'll be able to find portions of my songs and see more about me and learn more about me. And my music is, like I said, on all the streaming platforms. So I just look forward to sharing my music with everybody. And I want to thank you guys so much for the opportunity to perform for you here today. And thank you for having me.
JULIANA: Absolutely. It was our pleasure. I know. I will be checking at following your music. And I know many of members of our audience will as well. We really appreciate you both taking the time to appear on Common Chords, and we look forward to hearing more of your music again in the future.
[Image – Juliana in her studio]
JULIANA: Every musician is as distinctive as their music and as unique as the effect that music has on those who experience it. We celebrate our differences. And we are excited to build this unified, creative, and distinct space where open minds and open hearts can always strike a common chord.
JULIANA: Join us next time for two brand new artists. On behalf of Daniel's Music Foundation, I thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to being with you again, real soon.
[Image – DMF common chords logo with the tagline “BRINGING MUSICIANS TOGETHER”]
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